I can't believed that I survived till 2pm today even without proper sleep the night before! & here I'm blogging after sleeping for only 5hours. I'm sure I'll see myself looking much more haggard now. Been sleeping only at early morning for this whole week. This is not good, I know. But, I just can't turn in. Wonder why.
Gonna take a stroll out for some fresh air soon, been home for too long. & shopping, stopped for months. Too broke! D:
& I had became much more lazy then before. !!! Wanted to get a job but, my laziness is stopping me. Damn. & school's starting. Let's wait for the next holiday again. (I somehow know I won't mark my words. LOL.)
Morning jogs with Charis once she's done with her attachment! (: Finally! :D
Alright, I'm so gonna turn in early tonight, hopefully by 2am. (:
Gonna update on the other posts soon. :9
Oh yea, been puzzled. Wonder if i should go for the freshman camp. Should I or not?
Life in primary 6 is still quite memorable for some? It’s been 6 years & it’s quite shocking that we can still clicks. It sure was fun. (:
HAHA! When we were 12? 3.10PM. Yeemay cabbed over to my bus stop & pick me up & we make our way to the interchange to meet up with Benedict & Siyuan. We were very late! So sorry man. Benedict was already at northpoint at around 1.30! Bus 39 to pasir ris then. At first, it was pretty awkard as we girls don’t really know what to talk to the guys about. But then, after we started shopping for food, it was better. We started chatting & all. :D
Cheryle reached & the food hunting continue. We started off calculating the price so as to keep the spending within our burget but soon after, we just grab & go. Haha!
After we were almost done with our purchase, Siyuan suddenly said “We should have went to Ehub NTUC.” & then we realise we need to carry everything over! We even wanted to push the trolley till downtown by foot! Lol!
Bus 345 to downtown. & we started walking to the park. The watermelon sure weight a ton! After much stuggle, I finally decided to roll the watermelon on the ground & kick it like a soccer ball. Hahaha!
Got you! Of cause I did not just do that! Haha! I merely try to squeeze it into my bagpack & ‘hike’ on. Haha!
After some times, we finally reached! The map online cheats! We delibrately booked pit 24 cause it’s stated that the toilet was right before the pit but it’s not! So, we started moving yet again till it was right outside the toilet! Oh man.
It still isn't time for us to just sit back & relax. We started washing the food. Butter finger! I didn’t know why but I just kept dropping the food! Haha! After much effort, washing was done. Oh & Charmaine reached soon after with the stuff we needed. Knife, lighter… & she started the fire for us. & the rest of us cut, reap, packed those food & BBQ-ing finally started! :D & then Cheryle, Eugene, Yusoon & I started playing ‘Big2’. & the one we lose 5 times got to eat disgusting food made by Eugene! & Cheryle lose! Luckily he wasn’t very bad. It was still kinda edible.
Then, Charis, Cheryle & I started playing “Ultimate pig” (A game PJ taught NTN). It’s a game like “heart attack”, we got to pass the card till we got the 4 same number & then we got to do some action & the other players got to follow & the one who is last will level up & who even from the lesser level talk to the higher level will advance to that level. So we got to be damn smart as to not talk/answer anyone. &&& Cheryle got us laughing! Really, till our tummy ache! & then, she’s the ultimate pig eventually.
Then, we played another game, “Who’s the king?”. Oh my goodness man!
& this was done to cure the itch thanks to the mosquito!
We played till around 11 plus & then we sat around & chit chat yet again. :D All the way till about 2 did we left for home! (: It was indeed fun catching up with some long lost friends. :D & there’s another outing coming up soon. :D Awaiting!
It’s been damn long, but I’m still updating on it. Hopefully some people still reads. Lol!
On the first day of cny, we got up pretty early & did what we always do every year. Greet Daddy & Mummy & then get ready & prepare to visit grandmum! :D Food & bonding time with cousins! (:
Afterwhich was to ‘popo’ house! :D It’s yet another year & things hasn’t change much. It was blackjack & poker yet again. But, somehow, I decided not to gamble so I just sat around looking at them. (: Then, we met up with Brother’s girlfriend & Sister’s boyfriend. We met them up at woodlands, planning to catch a movie but then the time slot wasn’t fitting into our plan. Thus, we went to Charmaine’s house for visiting & steamboat first! :D
Grandmum house for steamboat & blackjack at around 8. Then I realise I was right not to play. Cause out of the few rounds, I sort of only won 1. Lol!
Charmaine join us not long after. & then we brought most of our cousins out with us to catch ‘Inkheart’ at midnight! (: God daddy drove us there & also back to our house after the movie. (: It’s was a great movie! I like! Haha! But I spend most of my time explaining to my little cousin who was sitting beside me. Lol! & on the second day, we went to 2nd aunt house. :D Sister went ahead with Daddy & Mummy while I went with Brother & Charmaine by train.
Buffet! Yes, we had that every year! (:
& it was blackjack yet again! (: My luck was better. Haha!
Afterwhich, at around evening, we cabbed to orchard & caught ‘Bride war’ at Shaw house. I love that show! It was really fantastic! :D A must watch! Haha! (Even though, it’s not showing anymore. LOL!)
On another day of cny, we went to visit our beloved Coach Kang! He do miss us still luh but he always said he don’t. Haha! But, too bad, we know he do. Haha! Mahjong & blackjack!
Super lucky when being the dealer for blackjack. At first, I lose all the way till I’m only left with 2$ & Charis, 6$. & then, just so happen, no body wanna be the dealer & so I volenteered after persuding Charis not to worry. Haha! Cause she’s sharing with me, thus. &, we won till everyone didn’t wanna play with us anymore. Haha!
Buffet!! Food! Hahaha!
Cabbed back to Yishun with Charis, Junhan & Sebestian. We went to catch a movie, ‘Love matters’. I don’t really like that show. Lol! Oh yea, we took group photos but then I don't have it still! D: I shall go searching! (:
Oh yea, NTN & TG celebrated at ZY’s house! We ‘Lao Yu Sheng’! :D & it’s blackjack again! Hahaha! At around 7/8, I cabbed back home to prepare for Sister’s Birthday surprise! Ok, I’ll blog that on another post! :D & last but not least, steamboat at Omella’s house with NTN! :D While waiting for Leona, we played ‘Ultimate pig’. Hahaha!
Steamboat! Mushroom! Straw mushroom! Currently my favourite! Haha! After dinner, it was gossip time! :D & then, mahjong! Actually, I was suppose to blog, but then eventually I helped Omella with her mahjong game. Haha! We won! :DD
Sent the rest of the girls downstairs & stayed downstairs with Leona & Omella for a little while & then back to O’s house & we facebook-ed!
Yes, thanks to Leona! We knew how to play pet society. Lol! & they use my facebook for trial & we plan to create a ugly pet, yes, that’s my pet, cockeyed! Lol! But, the more I look at it, the cuter it looks now. Haha!
Then, Leona went off to meet her baobei. Mac breakfast delivery at 4am! (:
We stayed up till 7am before we finally K.O.! & I was force by Omella to stay up to play facebook with her! Oh my! Haha!
I love my laptop! Hahaha! & Darrell, I'm not a very pink girl ok?! It's black! Haha!
I still got like alot more post to blog about! Oh my gosh!
Cny, Sister's 16th, cny with NTN&TG, cny with NTN over at Omella's, Charmaine's 18th, Weiming's 18th & primary school's gathering! So many!
I'm like super lazy already... Oh my goodness!
I'll just update ramdomly alright? Haha. (:
The wind is blowing so strongly outside. Guess only a few others know why I'm mentioning this.
Oh yea, IE can't view my blog probably! I thought of changing it to another skin but then it turn out so mess up thus I decided to stick to this, till I find some others I like. (:
It’s been long but no worries, I sure do remember what happen on my birthday! :D
First of all, A very big THANKYOU to those who wishes, surprised, bake cake & spend their day with me! (:
The night when the clock strike 12, I received a call from Omella. (Oh yea, Omella called in the afternoon to ask what I was doing & then just hang up. & it’s super obvious something was up. HAHAHA! ) But still, thanks for the surprise! (: They rang me up to hurry me downstairs & there they are standing, waiting. No doubts, their really my best of friends. Thankyou so much! I really meant it. (: The cake! Haha. I didn't manage to get the picture of the whole cake. Lol. The cake really taste nice, not lying! My siblings even wanted to eat all up! After cutting the cake, we sat downstairs chit chatting. & opening my present! :D & then 2 policeman came to visit. Haha! Said that people complained. Lol! Omella, Charis, Leona, Peijie , Ernest, Houwen & Darren, thanks for skipping school to bake cake for me (though it was a bad thing. Haha! )! & family member! :D With Charmaine & Sis’s bf too. They intented to surprise me but then Charmaine let the cat out of the bag. Haha. But still, I want to thank them all. (:
Wild wild wet the next day! :D Sure it was fun with their company. (: Wave pool, lazy pool, U/children/group slides... Totally soak in water. Oh yea, plus alittle of suntanning & falling asleep on the sit. Lol. Afterwhich, I went to Leona’s cousin chalet with Charis, Leona & Houwen cause the rest of the guys still wants to stay on to play. Showered & then we started playing mahjong. Charis went off soon after.
Up fly the kite after much try. But, not by us but by Leona’s mum! I should really go fly a kite someday soon. It was fun, really. (:
& they guys came soon after & they started the mahjong again. (: But after a few rounds, we decided to end & head back home. (:
Cab back with zy. Met Brother, Sister & Charmaine for dinner together. :DI turn in quite early in the night I guess cause I was super tired. Haha.
& on another day, NTN &TG had tasteofthailand together with some other new gfriends. Haha! Oh yea, thanks yet again! (:
& I had yet another celebration with NTN at Timbre. :D
The chicken wing, thumbs up! Food was alright. But, the company was great! :D Afterwhich, we had ben & jerry icecream with 20$ + 8$! :D See! We can be real crazy at times! :D Thanks girly, I enjoyed myself. (: I still love spending my day away with this 6 lovely. :D See how cute they are? Haha! Oh yea! Stalker, are you stalking my blog now? Hahaha!
It was over to ZY’s condo to celebrate. (: We met up early in the morning to get all the things needed ready.
We made our way to sengkang after we left our bag at the condo. It was shopping for party poppers, snacks & food. :D & most importantly, birthday cake. (: After which, we headed back & started with the décoration in the house. Ballons, alphas, cards, paints, messages, foods, snacks, drinks… Then, we did the last few things & hide in the house, while some others went downstairs to fetch him. (:
I guess the drawing of him on the door did make him laugh out loud. (: Oh yea, credits to Omella. (: Then, we started singing Happy Birthday! :D & it was time for food & tv. We just sat together & started eating & chit chatting. (: & then, a bat came to visit! Hero Darrell save the day! Lol! Time for some game. After a few rounds of indian poker, we decided to play carpark hide & seek! (:We team up in double & started our hide & seek & Ernest is the catcher! :D
I team up with Leona. Then we started teaming up with Omella & Darrell too. Haha! Oh my, some of the guys super funny, they even acted as the cleaner & push the tolley of cleaning up tools. We really laugh like mad when we saw them do that! Lol! & we ended the game after we were caught, cause we were the last double to get caught. (:Then, it was back to the house for cake! (:
Happy 18th Birthday Ernest! I know, so sorry, it’s a super duper late post! Sorry! HAHA! I’m just updating in case anyone wants to read, like my avid reader, Omella! (Oh, Charis too!) Haha! Alright, next post. (: